Marketers need a process to generate content marketing content plan ideas. Humans are always coming up with new ideas. A process allows you to think of content marketing content plan ideas that may not be easily apparent. Reasons to know how to generate content marketing content plan ideas: Your days are busy, uncover content marketing content plan ideas that you may not have come up with on your own, you will run out of good ideas, and grow responsibility and keep up with increased demand. A process allows you to come up with a predictable flow of original content ideas. A technique for producing ideas by James Webb Young.

Ideation Process: Gathering raw material, Digesting the material, Unconscious processing, and the Eureka Moment.

Great content marketers read and consume content from a wide variety of places. Look for relationships, connections, and combinations. Curiosity and the will to act on it is a helpful prerequisite for any content marketer. Two ways to generate content marketing content plan ideas are by yourself and with a group.  Create content for buyer persona’s reading habits of the blogs, websites. Interview customers about there reading habits and use buzzsumo to see which content has the best social media performance.

  • What are your competitors doing?
  • What are people talking about on Quora (Industry or professional)?
  • What can you learn from your search engine optimization efforts in Google Search Console? Verify your domain.
  • Autocomplete and related searches at the bottom of the google results page. Autocomplete is when Google suggests a query as you type it in the search bar.
  • Have a brainstorm to generate fresh and creative content ideas.

Hosting a brainstorm best practices:

  1. Pick someone to moderate and set a clear agenda
  2. Create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable
  3. Leverage braindumps
  4. Use sticky notes, whiteboards, and other visual aids
  5. Remember that the main goal is to generate new, unexpected ideas.

Run through a basic word association game. A braindump is an uninterrupted period of time when you jot down ideas that come to your mind. Planning provides a roadmap for your content. Content is not just about supporting the marketing team. It should be about supporting sales, customer service, and product team. Creating a long-term content plan is achieved by setting marketing goals, auditing or assessing your organization’s initiatives and assets, and identifying the buyer’s journey for your buyer personas.

1,000 Web Visits->50 leads->15 new customers

Use smart goals for a content audit to identify all of the marketing assets that you have at your disposal. Potentially identify gaps or challenges. Organize your content audit based on these categories: content title, buyer’s journey stage, marketing funnel stage, format or type of content, which buyer persona it’s targeting, and any additional notes that provide value or context. You can find content in a file manager or marketing folder, sales team collateral, CRM, CMS. Organize event-based audit: Upcoming priorities by month, initiative overview, theme, prospective blog post topics based on your buyer personas, an inbound marketing campaign that ties your efforts together. Tie everything together with a series of blog posts that could to a relevant content offer:

  • Ebook – Awareness
  • Questionnaire – Consideration
  • Workshop – Consideration
  • Consultation – Decision

Your content compass needs to be in real-time and allow for multiple contributors to access and collaborate. A content creation framework should be repeatable, organized, and agile. How to build a content creation framework: Conceptualizing your content, organizing it internally, planning and setting timelines, analyzing the results, creating a workflow, reviewing content, and publishing and promotion.


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