Facebook Advertising Solutions

Facebook Advertising Solutions

Facebook Advertising Solutions

Facebook ads reporting is the first step in understanding Facebook Advertising Solutions:
We recommend this if you’re trying to answer questions like “How many conversions did my Facebook ads generate?” and “How much revenue can be attributed to my Facebook ads?”

Facebook Conversion Lift
We recommend this if you’re trying to answer questions like “Are my Facebook ads driving incremental buyers and conversions?

Partner lift
We recommend this if you’d like to work with a partner and you’re trying to answer questions like “How do my Facebook ads impact offline or in-store sales?”

Multi-touch attribution partners
We recommend this if you’d like to work with a partner and you’re trying to answer questions like “How well do my ads drive conversions, across media channels and devices?”

Marketing Mix modeling partners
We recommend this if you’d like to work with a partner and you’re trying to answer questions like “What is the incremental contribution to sales/revenues/profits generated from each marketing channel, including Facebook?” Learn more.

Mobile measurement partners
We recommend this if you’d like to work with a partner and you’re trying to answer questions like “What publishers deserve credit for driving my app install or app engagement?”

For measuring Audience Outcomes, you should focus on the metrics Reach and Frequency in your ad reports. Reach is the number of people who saw your ads at least once, which is different from impressions, which may include multiple views of your ads by the same people. Frequency is the average number of times each person saw your ad. These results can help you understand who you’re reaching and how often. This information, combined with other tests such as Brand or Conversion Lift, can help you determine your optimal reach and frequency that’s required to drive your business goals. Split testing helps you understand how different aspects of your ads affect campaign performance across Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network. Split testing lets you test different versions of your ads so you can see what works best, then keep building on the success of your campaigns and improve future media plans.

How it works

You can use Facebook split testing if you choose one of the following objectives for your campaign:

  • Conversions
  • App installs
  • Lead generation

Split testing divides your audience into random, non-overlapping groups who are shown ad sets with identical creative. This randomization helps ensure the test does not introduce other factors that may skew the results of the group comparison. It also ensures each ad set is given an equal chance in the auction. Each ad set tested has one distinct difference, called a variable. Your variable can be one of three: audience, placements, or delivery optimizations. Facebook will duplicate your ads and only change the one variable you choose.

The performance of each ad set is measured in terms of the success metrics for your campaign objective and is then recorded and compared. The winning ad set is determined by comparing the cost per result of each ad set. The ad set with the lowest cost per result (Ex. cost per lead) is the winner. At the end of the test, you’ll automatically receive an email and notification in Ads Manager with details on how your test performed, including the winning ad set strategy. These insights can then fuel your ad strategy and help you design your next campaign.

Regional availability

In North America, you can work with the following partners:

  • Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) – Available in Canada and the US
  • Nielsen Total Ad Ratings (TAR) – Available in the US
  • Nielsen Digital Content Ratings (DCR) – Available in the US
  • Nielsen Total Content Ratings (TCR) – Available in the US*

*Nielsen TCR is currently in limited release; not all TV networks have installed TCR software on all devices and services reach out to your Facebook Sales Representative.

Below you will find a link to our Youtube Channel with several videos on how to best optimize your Facebook page through Facebook Advertising Soultions.

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