Gathering formative feedback enables you to set new training goals, iterate on your training plans, monitor whether your training is meeting your organization’s goals, teachers’ goals, and your personal goals as a trainer. With this information, you can make adjustments to your training goals and provide insights into your community’s progress toward their transformation. You can gather feedback both during and after your training session using observational feedback, verbal feedback, and digital feedback. By observing your audience, having conversations with teachers, and utilizing technology tools to collect feedback you can become a more effective trainer.

  1. Observational Feedback: observing your audience during the training session. Your task is to determine if these teachers are implementing what they have learned from you into their practice. The external trainer should have follow-up visits as part of the training plan.
  2. Verbal Feedback: Have ongoing conversations with your audience both during and after your training session. This will allow you to grow as a trainer, but it also helps you to build stronger trainer–teacher relationships. YouTube is an effective place to showcase classroom demos and real-time examples from classroom Communication, Collaboration, Planning, and Responsiveness before, during, and after a training session set up a strong feedback loop: When using Google Forms to design surveys, be sure to include both open and closed-ended questions.
  3. Digital Feedback: Track and monitor your training effectiveness in a way that is easily shared with others.
  4. Google Slides Q&A is an excellent opportunity to gather feedback during your session. When you open a Q&A session on your Google Slides, your audience can ask questions and vote on which ones they wish to have answered. These questions give you immediate feedback about whether your training session is meeting learner goals. After the training session, you can go back and review Q&A history so you can make adjustments to future training sessions and training goals.
  5. Google Classroom: Create a Question by posting a question for teachers to respond to, you can gather valuable information about whether teachers are understanding your training, allowing you to either slow down or speed up the rate of your training. Ask teachers how they might use what they learned in the session to impact their classroom. When they respond, you can then contact each teacher at a later date to help them continue their learning and progress toward new learning goals.
  6. Google Form as an exit ticket: Help you to understand what your audience has learned and maintain an ongoing record of the training I give because the responses are tracked on one Google Sheet. I keep the Form simple by only asking for the teacher’s name, date, the name of the session, and one “paragraph response.” For each training session, the question I add for the paragraph response may change. (For example, after a training session about Google Classroom, I might ask the group to reflect on how Google Classroom may help transform the way they give feedback throughout the writing process.) After the session, I use the responses to evaluate how well the training went and gather ideas for future training sessions.
  7. Google Form: Use a pre-session survey with “scale” question types. How confident do you feel creating Google Slide presentations?” Use a scale of 1-5, starting with “not confident” to “very confident.” Quantitative data from the two surveys, comparing confidence levels before and after training sessions, provides meaningful information to share with my school leader, showing progress toward training goals. Give the option of anonymous surveys when filling out post-session surveys. I explain that the surveys help me to become a better trainer and that I value their honest opinions from the post-session survey.
  8. Use Google forms to create the breakout game that is traditionally played with the lock boxes.  The key to using a Google form to this would be the short answer “data validation” option.  Create each question on its own section in a form then make the question required.  This forces the student to get the correct answer before they move to the next question.  Here is a sample
    up, down, down, west, east

Using a Google Form as your “lockbox” is a GREAT method.  The data validation is easy to use and can you even include little help tips when the wrong response is entered. Google Sites which act as the digital breakouts (& also use Google Forms & other Google products) but with it being a stand-alone website, you can include numerous other clubs and activities. Meagan Kelly has several blog posts about them and using Sites as examples …

Check out the Applied Digital Skills program.

Use Google Drawings to design interactive mind maps to review your post-session survey. Google Drawings are great to create interactive mind maps that significantly impact student learning. Gathering feedback should be continuous happening during the training session and after. You can gather feedback by opening up Slides Q&A during your training session, create a question in Google Classroom for teachers to respond to, utilize Google Certified Educator exams in the Training Center, and design a Google Form post-session survey or exit ticket. It’s important to evaluate training because yYou need to know when to make adjustments to the training plan.

It’s helpful to think about feedback as “information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal.”1 In Grant Wiggins’ article, Seven Keys to Effective Feedback, he proposes that feedback should be Goal-referenced, actionable, timely, and ongoing. You can use feedback to target successes and growth points for your teachers which help them grow as professionals and lifelong learners.1 Start the feedback loop by designing sessions that have clear goals. Once goals are set, it’s simpler to tie all the work back to the objectives and help the learners see their progress toward these goals.

This lesson will review skills associated with the process of providing effective feedback: methods to set up feedback in real time. In leveraging the ISTE Standards for Coaches, you will start to shape a collection of best practices for feedback and understand your role in the process. The value of images and videos outweigh written text. Work with the teachers to build comfort around capturing lessons through video. Let them know about the ways you can upload private and unsearchable videos to YouTube. Videos allow you to gather real-time examples of lessons in action to then watch with the teacher when he is finished teaching. By uploading the videos to your school or professional YouTube channel, teachers can watch the videos at their own pace. Develop a strong understanding of seamless technology integration. Model strong pedagogy and research-based approaches in real-time with Google tools. You can enhance your skills as a trainer by gathering formative data and analyzing data to build the next steps in the classroom.

Use digital tools to collect data to play interactive, instructional games with KahootSocrative Student provides live results for interactive assessments and tasks. Plickers offers a low-tech option for capturing live results from the audience. Interactive data after you can collect includes a Download Kahoot Results for tracking student responses. Learn how to act on live student responses with the Go Formative Community, and you can keep your eye on progress over time with Plickers Scoresheet. Gathering formative Data helps the instructor redirect lessons and better meet the needs of the students. Referencing data helps you redirect your training in real-time which models flexibility. Research shows that feedback is most beneficial when given in a timely fashion and by someone who can identify observed or measured facts rather than opinions.



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