Google Ads Programmatic Buying

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What is Programmatic Buying?

Programmatic buying is a way to buy online ad space using the power and speed of computers. It’s much faster than the traditional ad buying process. Let’s take a closer look at how it enables media buyers to buy ad space, across multiple sites and networks, with one workflow.

Programmatic buying allows you to reach more users, as well as have the option to show your ads to select users. Programmatic buying lets you show the right message to each user as we saw in the video with Cait’s Caps. Right time With programmatic, you can bid on an impression and show your ad in real-time. You nailed it. Programmatic has many benefits over the traditional reservation process, including efficiency and real-time bidding.

Remarketing Recap

Remarketing helps you reconnect with people who have previously visited your website or mobile app by showing them relevant ads as they browse the web.

The general process of this includes:

  • Adding tracking to your website or app to collect anonymous user data from visitors.
  • When bidding on ad space, increasing bids to show ads to previous visitors.
  • When selecting which ad to show, using tracking data to pick the ad most relevant to each user.

**Help people remember your brand!**

Brand awareness: The more someone is shown your brand, the more likely they are to buy from you when they decide to make a purchase. Use remarketing to drive more traffic to your website and promote your brand.

**Find the best message to connect with each user!**

Tailored messaging: Use remarketing as an opportunity to speak to different segments of your audience. Messaging that works for a first-time visitor, likely won’t work as well for a returning visitor who has been to your site many times. 

**Get more for your money!**

Lower cost: When you reconnect with people who are already familiar with your service or product, they’re much more likely to click on your ad. So bidding more for a smaller, more targeted audience could end up saving you money. 

**Increase sales or lead generation!**

Higher conversion rates: Someone who has seen your product or service before is more likely to purchase than someone who is seeing them for the first time. When you bid on these more qualified leads, you’re more likely to see a return on your investment. 

Here’s an example… You’re telling your new coworker about the campaign you created for reconnecting with website visitors. They ask how cookies make this all happen. What would you tell them? You’d say, “Ad servers use cookies, allowing online ads to recognize the same user across multiple websites.”

Conversion tracking provides great insights but requires slightly more work to set up. 

Programmatic Buying, Google Ads

By using conversion tracking, you’ve recognized that a specific area of the world is generating the majority of lesson sign-ups. What do you think you can do to improve your campaign performance based on this information? The choice is yours! Now you have to ask yourself this:
How can conversion tracking help you achieve your business goals? 

If you have any more questions please leave a comment below!


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