Google EducatIon Certified Trainer Video App

Benjamin Kepner “Googliness”  Google For Education Certified Trainer Application


Google for education certified trainer application: As a former Cultural Ambassador of CEIP Plurilingüe Pedro Caselles Rollán de Xove and current Founder of Global Social Media Marketing, I hold a B.B.A. in Marketing, International Business from the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business. I have two years of classroom teaching experience and six years of formal training experience. 5 recent Google-specific training include:

  1. Setting up Google Shopping Ads – Gregory’s Paint and Flooring, 07/01/2017
  2. Setting up Google Analytics for Your Website – ServiceMobi, 03/01/2017
  3. How to Clean Your Database in Google Sheets – Applied Food Sciences, 11/01/2017
  4. How to Use Export Social Media Data into Google Sheets- Mile High Young Professionals, 07/01/2017
  5. How to use Google Sheets to Create a Social Media Content Calendar – Primesport, 10/01/2016

My training goals are 12 training sessions for universities, international schools, and businesses. I will attend the University of Georgia Innovation in Teaching Conference and Nashville Google Summit to meet Google Certified Trainers to share ideas and resources with the Colorado GEG Educator Group community. I will obtain the Google Certified Associate – G Suite Administrator, Google Mobile Sites, and Digital Sales Google Certifications. Finally, I’ll speak on the Google Teacher Tribe Podcast, create original training materials at, become a Google Certified Innovator and Partner, develop Google training courses on Udemy, and provide an annual G Suite product update assessment.

Google for Education Certifications: Google Certified Educator Level 1 Certificate, Google Certified Educator Level 2 Certificate, and Trainer Skills Assessment Certificate.

Other Certifications: Google Adwords Fundamentals Certification, Google Analytics Certification, Google Adwords Display Certification, Google Adwords Shopping Certification, Google Adwords Mobile Certification, Google AdWords Video Certification, and Google Adwords Search Certification.

Google Adwords Certifications

The focus of my prior training as a Cultural Ambassador of CEIP Plurilingüe Pedro Caselles Rollán de Xove was to train students on how to use Google+, Google Photos, Google Albums, and YouTube to create stories from the field trips they experienced. By using Google products, we were able to have in-class discussions and games around the content that was created. The use of these products in the classroom allowed for a better understanding of the material and things the students learned from the speakers on the field trips. It also provided a public resource for students to refer back to when needed to review material before quizzes and exams. Finally, I was able to culturally influence students by applying blended learning of music, art, and religion represented through the use of social media storytelling and community engagement on Google+.

I redefined learning English with Google products and new media technology tools to a multilingual (Gallego, Spanish, and English) primary school of 200 kids. I engaged in festivals, field trips, cultural events, and international travel to eight countries in Europe to produce original training materials on Google+ for the students and teaching faculty below:

  1. Google+ Social Media Network Guide
  2. Google+ Cheat Sheet Google Doc: Google+ Cheat Sheet
  3. How To Share Google+ Photos On Your Google+ Profile Google Slides Presentation: How To Share Google+ Photos On Your Google+ Profile (1)
  4. Google+ FAQ Google Sheet: Google+ Faq Sheets – Sheet1
  5. Google Certified Educator Trainer App:
  6. Private Lessons Google Drawings PDF Flyer
  7. Recuerdos de Xove Article
  8. Pedro Caselles Rollan de Xove Excursion 1 Google+ Album
  9. CEIP Plurilinge Pedro Caselles Rollan de Xove Excursion 2 Google+ Album
  10. CEIP Plurilinge Pedro Caselles Rollan de Xove Excursion 3 Google+ Album
  11. Camino de Santiago Google Photos Album
  12. Carnaval 2014 Google Photos Album
  13. Oh WOW, Bilbao Google Photos Album
  14. Paideutic Praha Threshold Google Photos Album
  15. Bratislava – Me Encanta Google Photos Album
  16. Austrian Adventure Google Photos Album

I developed my position beyond normal requirements during lunch and in recess with a positive attitude. I was able to come up with innovative classroom exercises and creative educational games that contributed to the English language and American cultural understanding development of the other teachers and students in my school with the use of technology training. The principal of the school wrote an “Informe del Centro” letter to the Ministry of Education to recommend me to continue teaching English for a second year in Madrid, Spain because of my impact on their school in English and technology for Xove, Spain. I also taught teachers how to leverage G Suite products for the first time in their classroom lessons and planning. Finally, my school became the first school in Xove to use Google+ for blended learning of field trips and a new source of feedback to the Ministry of Education on school projects using technology. See Feedback.

I could have improved my training of G Suite products by using forms or slides to create interactive presentations in order to gain feedback to measure the effectiveness of my training efforts. I could have also created memory games around the photos that the children saw in the Google+ albums to better recall the material. I should have gathered formative data to redirect lessons and better meet the needs of the students.  I would have applied digital tools like Plickers to collect live results from the audience and play interactive, instructional games with Kahoot to track student responses. Finally, I would have also worked with the other teachers to build comfort around capturing lessons through video so that the students could reference the lessons from home.

Google looks for people with passion and drives to use technology to make the world a better place. “Googliness” is defined by Google as a mash-up of passion and drive that’s hard to define but easy to spot. 26,000 Googlers worldwide use computer science as a tool to do things today. I want to connect more learners to the world with Google products. The opportunity to be added to the Google Group of 2,000 Certified Trainers globally where I can ask questions, share resources, and collaborate is a powerful professional growth opportunity for me. 

So what makes me Google? I’ve taken TH time to learn, pass Google certification exams, and improve my training skills in order to grow. I’m a networker with 14,000 online connections who want the ability as a Google Trainer to work in a variety of environments. Finally, I possess real-world training experience during my time as an English educator and Private English tutor in Spain, Author for, a Tourico Holidays Travel Academy Instructor, and digital marketing blogger of Global Social Media Marketing.

Google Training Lesson

Today I am going to show you how to use Google photos to share on your Google+ profile. Google+ allowed my students in Spain to discover the amazing things we did together on field trips CEIP Plurilingüe Pedro Caselles Rollán de Xove Excursion 1 is an example of our trip to the aquarium in A Coruna. Using Google Picasa and a DSLR camera I captured memories so my students could explore their interests, join communities of people around topics related to our field trip, and view my Google+ profile publicly with the photo albums to comment on or share the locations of places we visited. Google’s Auto Awesome personal storytelling feature also inside G+ allowed me to create Google Stories that weaved together photos, videos, maps, and time-stamps into a ready-made travelogue.

If you want to share your photos on Google+ you can do it by creating a photo album. Open Google Chrome and type in Login to your Gmail account.  Begin by clicking on albums. Next, begin by clicking albums. Click on the new album. Select a photo you would like to upload and click create. Then give your album a title. From there, you can click the icon in the upper right-hand corner to add another photo. Choose another photo. Once you’re done click the check mark in the upper left-hand corner. Then go to share and click on Google+. Continue to Google+ and then give a name of Google+ post with your album using hashtags so people can find your post in search with relevant keywords. Once you finish, click post. Now type in in your address bar so you can go to your profile to see the beautiful album you have shared on Google+.

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