How To Measure YouTube Success

How do you measure success on YouTube? People sometimes think they only need their YouTube page viewership to go up for how to measure success on YouTube. Wrong!

It’s extremely beneficial to the success of your page if you take Estimated Monetized Playback (EMP, found in YouTube Analytics) into consideration. When you combine the successful growth of both, you can use this information to identify opportunities where, for example, the content could be further optimized for ads. Great content is the backbone for increasing viewership and engagement!


Picture this: Someone uploads a video to YouTube with copyrighted material. If the copyright owner sets a policy to block user uploads, it’s marked as unavailable for viewing in the territories specified by the copyright owner. It could even be global! Oh no! Remember, selecting “Usage Policy” and “Match Policy” in your settings will monetize upload content and track all user uploads. If a partner decides to block user-uploaded video and it matches the policy, the video is unavailable for viewing but retains a unique URL.


To calculate the percent change in increased viewership, take the total number of views in the last 90 days minus total from 1 year ago, then divide by the total from 1 year ago. Your channel’s EMPs are a proxy for the number of ad impressions, and playback-based CPMs are a proxy for CPMs. The global economy and fluctuations of local economies can influence ad rates and how ads are targeted.


Review the EMPs and CPMs by country to see how viewer location impacts a channel’s revenue and ask yourself the following questions during your analysis:

  • Where are the views of your best performing videos coming from? 
  • Which ad types generated the highest and lowest CPM, and from which country? 
  • What’s the ratio of CPMs to views in each location?

Global economic conditions can impact ad rates regionally and worldwide. For example, shifts in a country’s local economic environment or monetary policy could affect the strength of the country’s currency and CPMs for that country, or even globally.  Opting-in to different ad formats, Global Economic fluctuations, and viewership from different geographies could result in different CPMs on the same video.  It is important to consider macro trends when analyzing your revenue because fluctuations in the global economy can influence CPMs. 


Enable the channel for monetization as well for how to measure YouTube Success. Connect your channel with AdSense (so you can get paid for ad revenue!) and activate ad formats. Make sure you review the ad rates report to see how different types of ads are performing. Specify which ads to use for which of your videos by using Advertising Settings. Reminder, CPMs, EMPs, WATCH TIME, VIEWS, and SUBS are NOT part of your top-level revenue performance.  Be sure to evaluate how thumbnails drive discovery with text hooks or the use of high-quality images that entices the viewer to click on the ad. From YouTube Analytics, you can see what Top keywords people search for to find your videos. To help you optimize video metadata use a variety of Skippable, Overlay, Display ad formats. The goal of the ad serving model is to help serve the most lucrative ad to the right viewer at the right time. The ratio of clicks to card impressions in the cards report can also help you evaluate performance.


Very important for how to measure YouTube Success! Explicit permission from the copyright owner must be acquired to use content with exclusive territorial rights. Keep track of your assets. Rights are known to change in any territory at any given time! If that happens, you have to keep your assets updated. Disputed claims can only be left in your queue for thirty days. After that, they are released. Keep yourself and your channels up to date. This will help you avoid any partner strikes for copyright violations. It’s very important to review all content. There is always a chance the content won’t comply with Content ID Guidelines. If you have one of those amazing Creative Commons Licenses, you can reuse your content on YouTube. Do you want complete ease of scalability? Manage your content with SFTP and Aspera Dropbox. If YouTube gets an infringement notice from a copyright owner, it will remove the video and send a copyright strike to the illegal uploader. The uploader then has the right to dispute the charge, of course. If you want to give another channel permission to use your video, whitelist them! This will prevent any Content ID claims from being filed on their end.  For advice on copyright law, you need to seek legal advice from an attorney. Choose references carefully to ensure accurate claiming of user videos so you can control your content!


Examine bumps and consider including similar elements in future videos. Using the “Compare Feature,” you can compare performance metrics between two separate time periods. Keep track of a multi-line graph of traffic sources over a date range. If you see any spikes in traffic that could represent the changes in the number of likes/dislikes you are receiving.  The Compare feature will help you get an idea of what is working and what isn’t. Divide videos into groups to see how viewers engage with different content formats. Make sure you use top keywords that people search for to find your videos. Check out Google Trends for high-volume searches in the category. Use these to develop tags to make your video more searchable.

We want to see you monetize and build up viewership to your YouTube page. If you have any questions or ways you have discovered that helped your YouTube page flourish please comment below! 

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