Integrate Google tools in the classroom:

As a trainer, you’ll be responsible for showing educators how to integrate Google tools into the classroom. A teacher can use Google Sheets and Forms to measure and analyze student growth, deliver quizzes to students, and Collect feedback from students. Google Classroom allows teachers to view, comment, and edit student work in real time, teachers can create and manage class discussions, and teachers can reuse posts from year to year. Some tools that can help expand the four walls of your classroom and bring your lessons to life include Google Expeditions, Google Maps, and Google Hangouts. Mr.Sanchez wants to ensure that the teachers at his school feel supported and empowered to use technology in their classrooms. Some support models he can implement are curated professional development resources, staff development workshops, student-led support, and embedded instructional coaches.

  1. Google Drawings: Play people bingo as an icebreaker. Create a bingo card with Google Drawings. For each bingo square, add personality traits or experiences that people may have in common. To play this game, ask each person to make a copy of your bingo template or share them through Google Classroom if you have access to the latter tool. Then have each person walk around the room to find someone who fits the description in the bingo square. Below are a few examples of what to include on a bingo card Gets excited when G Suite updates are announced, Loves to use Google Forms, enjoys collaborating with others using Google Docs, and uses Google Sheets at least once a month. How can you get your learners to meet someone new at your workshop? 
  2. Google Classroom: Create a Google Classroom just for your training to get learners to ask questions and access training resources. Using the Post a Question feature, you can post resources for your attendees to analyze. Then, include a question to get them conversing online about the ideas and resources you shared. Have the participants post their responses and replies to each other in the Stream. You can use the group chat feature in Google Hangouts for professional development.
  3. Google Slides: Have your audience actively practice the skills they are learning by assigning all learners a different slide to practice the different features of this app. Include instructions and links to additional resources on the first slide so that your attendees have a reference guide to get them started. By crowdsourcing the learning, your attendees will also have access to the collective creativity of the entire room. Many times, when teachers from the same school attend training, they tend to sit by their grade levels or content areas. Workshops are a great way for teachers to forge new connections and bond with others outside of their comfort zone. Icebreaker games like people bingo can help attendees learn more about each other and branch outside of their comfort zone.
  4. Blogger: It works great, and I love the fact that search results prioritize blogger entries over similar WordPress blogs with the exact same content. That’s amazing! You can also backup your blogger blog for example like ( to WordPress (
  5. teachers can import GC scores into Aeries. The aeries admin needs to turn that on to make it happen. secondary teachers use Aeries to create and roster their Google Classrooms. All teachers can use Aeries to import grades from their GClassroom into their Aeries Gradebooks. This has made grading a dream for many of our teachers. Here’s a video we share with our teachers:
    And since you can import your Google Form scores into Google Classroom. Look at users in the admin console and you can see when or if they have logged in.
  6. Setting up a YT restricted mode is a two-step process:
    1. Turn on restricted mode for the OUs you want restricted (presumably students).
    2. Configure your network (DNS records) to direct all un-authenticated YT traffic to the restricted version of YT. This prevents students from using incognito or signing out of their account. Details are here:
    You have to do both of these things for the restricted mode to work as advertised.
    A few additional points:
    1. Make sure that the members of your “classroom teacher” Google group are all staff members. If a few students got in, they will have the ability to approve YT videos that you may not want to be approved.
    2. Make sure all employees are members of the “classroom teacher” Google group (even non-teachers) so that they can get unfiltered access to YouTube.
    3. Warn/remind your staff that if they are NOT signed into their SCHOOL Google account, they will only be able to access the filtered version of YT. Sometimes a teacher will be signed into a personal account which (while connected to the school network) will give them the filtered version.
  7. Migrate our users’ email/docs/calendar data from Office 365 to G Suite.  I followed the directions in Data Migration services and used my own account to test the migration. It refreshes to an error message of 11021, which means there is an “impersonation error’ on the source server. The account that I am using to connect to Office 365 is my own with Global Admin privileges. Did you give your account Application Impersonation rights in Office 365? Just being an admin is not enough. Best practice is to create a role and assign it to your account for the migration.
    Created a separate account for migration only on the Office 365 end and then assigned the “ApplicationImpersonation” rights to that account. Tested first on my account and then a batch of 5. Worked like a charm!
    By the way, found this really good tutorial on how to assign the Impersonation rights on accounts in Office 365.
  8. I know that a teacher can transfer ownership of her/his own Google Classroom. Can the Google Admin force this transfer without the original owner? use LilSIS by AmpifiedIT and I know that our G Suite Admin was able to do the changeover, without the teacher needing to do anything.
  9. Really terrific scripts programming instruction with curricular contexts easily customizable for different subjects.
  10. school is 1:1 iPad, so I used the iPad to grade math HW submitted to me in Google Classroom. Here is the process that happens when I grade:
    1) The student uses camScanner to scan their HW as a PDF and submit into a Google Classroom assignment.
    2) I open their submitted PDF in Google Classroom on the iPad, and a copy of the submitted PDF is automatically created by the classroom for me to mark up.
    3) Google Classroom markup tools to grade the copy of their submitted assignment, then I save my markup.
    4) The “edited” copy shows up in my drive.
    6) Return all assignments and ownership to student
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