Search Ads 360

Seach Ads 360

Attribution Models for Search Ads 360

Like the top scorer that receives all the attention after a game, the last ad click is often given all the credit for driving conversion. Because that approach doesn’t allow for the nuance of how all the parts of your media plan work together, Search Ads 360 was developed to provide multiple attribution modeling options to dig deeper into the data.

“With Search Ads 360, you save time, reduce complexity, and have the ability to make better decisions and increase your Return on Investment (ROI) for search marketing. Business challenge: A consumer enters a keyword in a search engine, and ads appear in the search results.” The source of this information is here.

Let’s take a look at the three approaches you can use to model your attribution data and get a more balanced view of the playing field. Attribution modeling provides various options for seeing data your way. Which option would you use if you wanted the model to evaluate all available conversion path data (from both converting and non-converting users)?

Search Ads 360

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