Slideshare social media marketing ideas: Giving a PowerPoint presentation is supposed to be fun and offer value. The key to being effective with SlideShare is to provide value to your viewers and a soft sell at the same time.  Educate your viewers, amaze them, and impress them, and sales will follow. Viewers can easily embed your Slideshare presentations on their own blog or share them on their social networks.  Slideshare is great for collaborative joint slideshows for greater exposure and a transcript of the slideshow that increases search engine optimization (SEO).

The most viewed Slideshare presentations are the ones that teach HOW TO DO SOMETHING.  What do your clients need to learn how to do that you can show them? What is the biggest question your clients have? What is their biggest challenge? What is no one else in your industry talking about what you’re willing to? Provide answers to your clients that they cannot get anywhere else and fill their needs.

Offer new ideas and solutions by going beyond a traditional presentation and use it to provide inspiration and ideas for your clients.  This slideshow is a holiday-themed online catalog I developed for an upscale interior design retailer.  My goal was to display the breadth of products and services they provided in a visual way, and show their price points from low to high.  It’s a beautiful slideshow that’s easily accessible on the internet.  We embedded it on their website, on their blog, and in online press releases to the media.  It increased their SEO and improved its brand recognition.


Did you know the average PowerPoint slide contains 40 words? What a way to put your audience to sleep!  John Media, an author of Brain Rules, cites slides with visuals are 65% more likely to be remembered than slides without. Use text, but don’t overwhelm your audience with too much. Did you know the brain ignores what it finds boring? Work hard to make yours interesting: use visuals, large fonts, and make your content irresistible.  Appeal to people’s emotions, focus on the key ideas, connect those ideas, and wrap up in a compelling way.  Telling a story is always more convincing than just citing facts and figures.  Use compelling images, testimonials, photos of real people for your presentation. Show your personal side and give people a reason to trust you. You can grab stock images from:

  1. Flickr Creative Commons. A free photo-sharing website that allows users to upload their images and allow others to use them. An easy way to ask for attribution is to create a slide at the end of the presentation that lists the slides by number and the owner of the images.
  2. Yay Micro.  A stock image and illustration service where you can purchase images for about $1.50 each. They offer a wide variety of business images appropriate for presentations.  All the images are royalty-free and you can use them as often as you like.
  3. iStockphoto.  One of the largest stock image and illustration services around, offering royalty-free files.  If iStockphoto doesn’t have it, you probably won’t find it.  Their images are more expensive than Yay Micro, but they also tend to be higher quality.


Have consistent object placement by creating an easy-to-follow layout on your slides, keeping object placement consistent throughout. Less is more for images and text. Offer a simple way for viewers to buy from you: include a link to your direct page in your own online store or a trusted one known for its reputation in a visible location. At the end of your presentation, be sure to include links to all of your social networking sites and list your contact information.  Make it easy for viewers to stay in touch and ask questions.

Adding narration is a process of creating the voice track, uploading it to Slideshare, and syncing the timing with the correct slides.   You can use GarageBand on a Mac or Sound Recorder on a PC.  Audacity is another free online tool that you can download and use on your computer to record your voice.


View five presentations in your industry and evaluate the follow content, layout, length, contact info, and links. How much value does the presentation offer? Does it stand on its own without a presenter? Is the slide layout simple and effective? Are the colors easy on the eyes, making the slides easy to read? How many slides does the presentation contain? Too many, too few, or just enough? Does the presentation contain contact information and links that work to take you to a landing page?


Title Slide including your business name, your name, who you and your company are, location, and staff.  What does your company offer? Think of telling this in benefits vs. features style. How long has your company been in existence and what are your hours? When and where can people get in touch with you via phone, online, email, etc? Why should your customers choose you over your competition? Differentiate yourself by stating the benefits customers get by choosing you. Explain what it is you do that is so unique and special. Finish wit Summary slide with your contact information and links to your website and social networking platforms. Save your presentation as a.PPT file and upload it to Slideshare. Add the Title, Tags, and Description, remembering to use your company name and as many keywords in each of those as possible.  Try to fit in your presentation name and business name in the Title, again in your tags (along with keywords), and everything in the Description.


  • Explanatory slide
  • Summary slide
  • Title Slide
  • Subtitle slides, if necessary
  • Content slides
  • Summary slide
  • Contact info slide
  • Your sales slide (promoting your products and where to buy them.  As the developer of the slide, that’s the one advantage you’ll have over your colleagues, is you have one more opportunity to present your website, book, or other product at the end of the slideshow)


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