Google Sheets are core G Suite product of spreadsheets for analyzing, visualizing, and charting data. Google sheets app allows you to analyze data and Google Forms allows you to create a digital questionnaire to collect entries from users. The unique function ignores duplicates in a list and returns a single instance of each item. A line chart can be used to represent trends over time. When you want to share the results with another teacher, but not allow the teacher to alter the data enable Protected Range and Protected Sheet. The =unique(E: E) function will create a compressed list of standards to assess. Comparing the line graph and pie chart feature set, Both can be shared publicly and Both can pull data from multiple sources. Both can be customized. You can organize and share student data with teachers, thus making the conversation about students, not teaching.

USEFUL GOOGLE SHEET FUNCTIONS: The sparkline Google Sheets Function creates line graphs and different types of bar charts right in the cell of a spreadsheet. Custom functions can be used for conditional formatting. Apply conditional formatting to a cell by date, by text contained in the cell, and by a number in the cell. You can create these different types of charts.

  1. PIVOT TABLE –  a convenient tool to compare various aspects of a data set and are typically built to summarize data numerically. For example, a teacher might give a quiz and organize the results by grade level, class period, or any other criteria she chooses. Pivot tables are another tool that provides a dynamic interface for working with large datasets, including the ability to create custom calculations. These tables draw results directly from the original data and therefore always reflect the current information. Whether by date, score, grade level, or year, users can quickly switch the inputs and axes of the data being analyzed. Create and use pivot tables for student names, assignment dates, and assignment scores. The Unique Advanced Google Sheets function gives you a list that removes all duplicate values. With conditional formatting, teachers can alter the cell color based on the value of text, dates, and numbers.
  2. Motion Chart – an effective way to visualize substantial amounts of data. It adds the variable of time to standard education data points. This allows teachers to visualize and track student results with animated charts that compare two or more data points over time. There is a play button and the data points move as time passes. A motion chart relies on time to add animation to a data set. A Motion chart, which adds the dimension of time to a range of scores, creates an elegant representation of the progress of a large number of students. This animated chart displays the grade level or score by the student and shows their growth over time. The motion of the colorized data points uncovers academic trends over the years that would be incredibly difficult to replicate with raw numeric scores. Create a motion chart to apply time to additional categories in a dynamic graphic display.
  3. Radar Chart – a useful tool for teachers to compare individuals to a larger group, such as a class or the entire school. The data is displayed such that spokes of the chart represent individual variables while still showing the entire data set.

The =count function will give you the total number of times a value appears if it meets certain criteria. The options to summarize data in a pivot table report include: =sum, =count, and =average. If you change the sort or filter criteria in a filtered view everyone viewing that Sheet will also have their data sorted or filtered. False

If you wanted to see all the responses for a given student “who is presenting” are listed in column C on the Form Responses sheet. Columns D, E, and F have peer feedback. Select the formula that could be used to show only the peer feedback from columns D, E, and F for Jimmy Wong.

=filter(D:F,C:C=”Jimmy Wong”)



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