The power of facebook editor: Power Editor allows you to easily manage your campaigns, ad sets, bulk ads, and individual ads.
Campaign Level Overview
Think of the campaign as the foundation of your ad. At the campaign level, you’ll choose an advertising objective, such as Get video views or Get installs of your app. Your objective defines what you want your ad to achieve. A business should create multiple ads with variations images, video, text, and so on so that Facebook can optimize for the best performing ad. A business should make sure all ads within an ad set target the same audience because it lets them control how much they spend on each audience.
That’s right! At the ad set level, a business control how much they spend on each audience, schedule when those audiences see their ads, and measure audience response
For example, if you choose to Get video views, your ads will be optimized to reach people who are likely to view your video for 10 seconds or longer. At the ad set level, you’ll create an audience for your ad using Facebook’s targeting options. You’ll define your audience by choosing things like location, gender, age, and more. You’ll also create a budget and set a schedule for your ad. At the ad level, you’ll choose your ads creative, which can include images, videos, text, and a call-to-action button. Depending on your objective, you can choose from the below ad types.

  • Photo
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Slideshow
  • Canvas

Keep in mind that a campaign can include multiple ad sets, each with different targeting, scheduling, and budgeting options selected. This helps you determine what kind of ads are resonating with what audiences.

For example, if you choose to have two ad sets (both containing the same two ads) delivered to all women in the US (Audience A) and all men in the US (Audience B), you can see which audience reacts the most to your ad set, as well as which specific ad resulted in the most actions.

Power Editor is a bulk ads manager for businesses who want to easily manage a large number of ads, ads sets, and/or campaigns. To get started, watch this short video to learn how campaigns are organized — this structure is important when managing ads through Power Editor.

  1. Create your Facebook pixel.
  2. Install the pixel base code on your website.
  3. Add event code and any additional data you may want to use to power your measurement, optimization, or targeting.
  4. Verify that your pixel is active and working properly.
  1. Go to your Ads Manager.
  2. From the global navigation bar, select Pixels under Assets. You can also select Pixels from the Tools drop-down menu.
  3. From the Facebook Pixel tab, click Create a Pixel.
  4. Give your pixel a name that uniquely identifies your business as there is only one pixel per ad account. You can always come back to edit this in the Pixel page.
  5. Click Create Pixel.
  6. Choose Install Pixel Now to add the pixel code yourself or Email Pixel Code to send to your web developer.


You can use a tag manager or merchant solution to help you implement your Facebook pixel.

Tag Managers

Tag Managers, such as Google Tag Manager, help you to quickly and easily create and manage your pixel code. Tag Managers make it easy to add a pixel — however, you want and wherever you want — so they make for an easy measurement solution.

Use a tag manager? Make sure to check out our Help Center guides on implementing pixels for Google Tag Manager, Tealium, Signal, and Ensighten.

Merchant Solutions

Merchant software, such as Shopify, helps you manage your store front for your online stores. These software solutions make it easy to install your pixel in easy steps and allow you to use it when and where possible.

Don’t know where to inject your pixel code because you use a popular website platform? Check out our Help Center guides on implementing pixels for WordPress, Shopify, LeadPages, Teespring, Wix, Weebly, BigCommerce, and GoDaddy.

Installing the Pixel Base Code
Once you’ve created the pixel, you can install the pixel by copying the code that appears and adding it to your webpage. You’ll want to paste the code between <head> and </head> on the webpage where you want to track conversions, the same way you would place an analytic pixel. Be sure to place the pixel on all pages across your entire site.

The Facebook pixel is a piece of JavaScript code for your website that unlocks powerful advertiser tools for measurement, optimization, and targeting. Using the Facebook pixel, you can leverage the actions that people take on your website to make your Facebook advertising more effective and efficient.

For more information, please visit the following Help Center and Developer site links:
Using App Events, you can get detailed insights into what people are doing in your app and how ads are adding value to your business. The App Events methods for tracking events are part of the Facebook SDKs for iOS or Android. App Events can be used to measure your Mobile App Install Ads performance, build Custom Audiences for Ad Targeting, and optimize your Mobile App Engagement Ads.

Additionally, adding App Events to your app lets you learn more about how people are using your app through Facebook Analytics for Apps. With Analytics for Apps you can get insight into your active users, most valuable customers, and their age, gender, language, and location. You can measure retention and conversion rate in order to improve the experience within your app.




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